Randy Groves Earle Hagen

The Online Gallery of Randy Groves

General Robert E. Lee in White Marble

Sculptures Themes

Other sculptures depicting General Robert E. Lee

Robert E. Lee sculpture
Robert E. Lee in bronze

Robert E. Lee in Pecanwood

Robert E. Lee sculptureGeneral Robert E. Lee Relief in Bronze

Robert E. Lee sculpture
General Robert E. Lee Relief in Bonded Pecanwood

Robert E. Lee sculpture
General Robert E. Lee Relief in Marble

Robert E. Lee sculpture
Desktop Sculpture of
General Robert E. Lee

Click icons to view detailed images and description

The imposing white marble edition of Randy Groves' sculpture of General Robert E. Lee is one of the most popular in the gallery of "the marble man."

The bust in white marble was first introduced at Gettysburg's History Meets The Arts 2005, attracting much attention.

Robert E. Lee

Robert E. Lee entered west point in 1825 at the age of eighteen where he began a career that has never been rivalled. Always at the top of his class, in every class, in four years he did not accumulate a single demerit.

Robert E. Lee

Neither a fault finder nor holier-than-thou he was enormously popular with his fellow cadets who referred to him as "The Marble Man." He served in higher cadet positions each year, and in his fourth term won the highest post West Point knew: Adjutant of the Corps of Cadets.

Robert E. Lee


The bust of General Robert E. Lee was cast in three mediums, cold cast Bronze, pecanwood  and also in White Marble. The Base is available in either grey Granite or Black Marble and Each has the Virginia State seal and a brass name plate, listing the title and edition number of the piece.

Dimensions of the piece are 10" high X 4 1/2 " wide X 3 1/2 " deep.

Edition inWhite Marble on Black Marble - $95

Edition in White Marble on Granite - $140

Other pieces from the CIVIL WAR series

(click image to view details and images of the sculpture)

Irish Brigade Monument sculpture
Irish Brigade Monument
in Bronze & bonded wood

Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain sculpture
Joshua Lawrence Chamverlain bust
in Bronze, White Marble & Pecanwood as well as figure at Little Round Top

Civil War Desktop Pieces
Chamberlain, Lee, Lincoln, Longstreet, Jackson

Woodcarvings on Civil War subjects

of John Rogers